Minecraft Based Sea Creatures

                                                                 Sea Creature Fishing

        This was an independent project to give fresh ideas from a players point of view for Sea Creature Mobs referencing Hypixels Skyblock's take on fishing. This project introduced me to command blocks, customizing items, mob combinations, and a team called "Nerds" who work on similar projects. These were made with 1.8.9 limitations in mind.

Cites: Custom Heads / Mob Generator 

Original Notes: Rough Ideas / Organized / Finalized / Ocean Layers

Custom Item "Willows Light" 

                        Idea Process 

1. Deciding on entity - References

2. Creation - How it came to be

3.Ability and purpose

4. Requirements and Description

5. Attainability                             

6. Feedback and Balancing

Volcanic Islands - Lava Fishing Sketch/Notes

    This project started with me falling in love with Minecraft fishing. You can get junk or treasure but felt too boring by staring at the same blue water. I wanted to give this common skill a compelling factor which branched out 2 ways, Sea Creatures and Treasure Hunting and came together as "The Ocean Layers".

                                                       Top two sand pictures by: rainbowcraft2

      The Ocean Layers, were based on Earths Ocean Layers meaning the deeper you go, the more difficulties you'll meet; whether its mobs, effects, or bosses. 

Layer 1: The Horizon Line - No effects, home to common creatures with scattered shells

Layer 2: Kelp Forest - A darker place with hidden gems and odd animals

Layer 3: The Twilight Layer- Uncommon creatures and home to The Forgotten Maze

Layer 4: Forbidden Wasteland - Beware of the "Forgottens" as the other creatures cant compare

Layer 5: Volcanic Islands - "???"

    One of my favorite sea creatures is the "Prism Sheep". This mob is the boss of Layer 1, which spawns 7 baby sheep dyed the colors of the rainbow. To stray away from hitting = dead, it has a thought provoking puzzle which requires the player to kill the baby sheep in the "Roy g biv" order and break its "Light Shield."

    One of my favorite items is the "Treasure Bucket". This is a portable storage for your trinkets found throughout the grind! This allows you to hold a variety of unique items. Although simple, it tells the player of items that can be stored and found while exploring the ocean layers which may tickle their interest to get these items.

Treasure Bag

    A "Skill Tree" along fishing is something I've started to work on with the main groups being rods, treasures, and elixirs. The point system is called "Sea Dollars", which you get ever 1-2 fishing levels. Here are some examples of sub skills branching out from the main 3.

Rod of Riches - Requires 6 sand dollars to unlock

            Description: Draws a valuable item in like rare ores, coins, or treasures  

                - Cooldown every 7 pulls (not casts!)

Elixir of Luminescence - Requires 4 sand dollars to unlock (Recipe TBD)

            Description: Works only on Layer 2 which allows player the chance of pulling

                    - Sea Sorceress, Sorceress drop(s), a Layer 1 mob

                    - Lasts 5 minutes 

Surprise! - Requires 12 sand dollars to unlock

            Description: You found a box which could contain any sea creature in it! Open at your own risk!

                    - This only unlocks the item! chance is 1% to be pulled

In the future, I want to expand my surrounds in the way that I don't limit myself to just 1.8.9 entities, and explore newer versions. This will expand my knowledge in commands and the possibilities they hold. I also hope to be apart of a group that I could hear further feedback and inspiration from!